Empowering Communities & Changing Lives

   +237 671 119 297   P.O. Box 317, Mbonge Road, Kumba, Cameroon

Introducing the “Respun” Project.

“Strengthening Access to Quality Learning Opportunity for Crisis-affected Children in the Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon. – RESPUN” funded by Unicef and Implemented by Street child, AMEF and other local partners.

The Respun Project aimed at facilitating inclusive quality learning opportunities to children who have never been to school or dropped out of primary schools at level 1 and 2, between the ages of 8 and 12 in areas most affected by crisis. These children are being equipped with basic literacy and numeracy skills linked to the formal education curriculum along with personal skills that will support their cognitive development and social and emotional well-being both during the emergency and afterwards. 

This support includes the provision of school materials to enable children learn in acceptable conditions and teachers to benefit from trainings in pedagogy and child protection, psychosocial , emotional and cognitive wellbeing of children exposed to traumatic experiences.

On the 19th of April 2024, AMEF team received some TaRL materials comprising of T. shirts, chalk and chalkboard stand. Banners and learning charts. Ready to implement in Kupe Muanenguba and Meme divisions of the south West.

The Mobile Neigbourhood Learning corners : aimed at reaching out to children who have never been in school, dropped out of school or at risk of dropping out due to the crisis has already taken effect. Teaching them basic Mathematics and English using the Teaching at The Right Level (TaRL ) materials. With this method, the children are taught according to their level not taking into consideration their age or supposed standard.

These children are grouped according to levels ranging from 1- 4 and are expected to move from one level to another.

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