Inadequate information, and lack of accurate knowledge about menstruation, menstrual hygiene, and health are some of the major challenges faced by a majority of young girls all over the world. The taboo nature of menstruation in most cultures and societies further complicates the matter as it limits its level of discussion in the household. Due to this, many young girls are clueless about menstruation and what to do when they get their first period. They are embarrassed to ask questions. When they eventually do, would rather seek guidance from their peers who often feed them with information that is misleading and untrue. These gaps in knowledge are some of the major roadblocks that prevent women and girls from developing skills to keep themselves healthy, safe, and dignified during their periods.

This urgent need to address the knowledge gap about menstruation, menstrual hygiene management, and health among women and girls is one of the core issues which the EMERGE project is seeking to address. The two main activities designated to this effect is the provision of capacity-building skills to peer educators who will serve as knowledge ambassadors among their peers on campus. The second activity is the creation of gender clubs which will serve as a forum for the dissemination of scientifically accurate, age-appropriate facts about menstruation, menstrual health, and hygiene. These gender clubs which will run for the rest of the school year will be coordinated by the MH Ambassadors under the supervision of the focal persons in the school
It is with this in mind that 50 peer educators have been trained and 10 gender clubs created in 10 schools under the EMERGE project in the South West Region. Through this activity, 5 peer educators (3girls, 2 boys) were selected in each of the institutions where the EMERGE project is being implemented. During the training which was done at the various campuses, the Menstrual Hygiene Ambassadors were thoroughly drilled on MHM from the perspective of the 4 pillars of intervention. That is: Social support, knowledge and skills, facilities and services, and Utilities/materials and how these 4 elements are interconnected and work towards improving MHM among girls, enabling them to be the best version of themselves.

The goal at the end of the gender club activity is for adolescent girls in the various institutions to report an improvement in their knowledge, management, and skills about menstruation, menstrual hygiene, which guarantees them more safe and dignified periods as well as an environment where they feel empowered and can thrive. The boys, on the other hand, will be able to understand the importance of menstruation, its link with body changes and puberty, and the role of men in supporting girls during their period. Other topics like sexual/ reproductive health, SRGBV, child marriages, drug abuse, and peer pressure will not be left out during club discussions.
In the end, it is believed that these interventions will aid in transforming minds, deconstructing stereotypes, and improving behaviours and perceptions related to menstruation among students, and teachers who have been influenced by non-factual cultural beliefs.